You must first download Ruby ODBC from Christian Werner's site and copy and into the ...\ruby\1.8\i386-msvcrt directory where you installed Ruby. Uf you have installed InstantRails in default location, it should be under C:\InstantRails\ruby\lib\ruby\1.8\i386-mswin32
In the example below I connect to an Access file (c:\ruby.mdb) and print the contents of a table (Table1)
require 'DBI'
access_dsn_base = 'DBI:ODBC:Driver=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);DBQ='
access_file = 'C:\ruby.mdb'
DBI.connect(access_dsn_base+access_file) do |dbh|
dbh.select_all('Select * From Table1') {|row| p row}
Similarly, you can use DBI:ODBC to read MS Excel files.
In the example below I connect to an Excel file (c:\my_file.xls) and print the contents of a spreadsheet (Sheet1)
require 'DBI'
excel_dsn_base = 'DBI:ODBC:Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DBQ='
excel_file = 'C:\my_file.xls'
DBI.connect(excel_dsn_base+excel_file) do |dbh|
dbh.select_all('Select * From [Sheet1$]') {|row| p row}
My configuration is Windows XP + MS Access 2000 + MS Excel 2002 + Ruby 1.8.6 + Ruby ODBC 0.9995
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